PRUNSRV command fails running Java Service

If your getting the following error:

Windows could not start the sample on Local Computer. For more information review the System event log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor and refer to the server specific
error code 1

One thing you have to be sure is the version of prunsrv.exe is for the same platform of Java/JVM your using.

ie. If your path to jvm.dll is 32-bit Java, you have to use 32-bit prunsrv.exe
     If your path to jvm.dll is 64-bit Java, you have to use the 64-bit prunsrv.exe

If your running on Windows and the PATH to Java contains a space, be sure use double quotes around the full Jvm path. Also, many current versions of Java do not locate the jvm.dll in the bin\client directory anymore, it may be located in the bin\server directory instead.

Good Luck,


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